
South Shore Mindfulness
Positive Living and Mindfulness Resources

Positive Psychology & Strengths-Based Websites
Mindfulness Skills & Meditation Websites
Counseling, Psychotherapy, & General Psychology Websites
Mindful Interpersonal Communication Websites
Mindful Eating Websites
Addiction & Recovery Centers (taking a holistic approach) In U.S., and New England Region Websites
Therapeutic Writing Websites
Holistic Approaches & General Wellness Websites
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Positive Psychology, Strengths, Mindfulness, Recovery, Holistic Well-being and Health

By Paul B. Schlosberg

Reading Challenge Level Guide
♥ = START HERE: Suitable as an introduction to the topic, standard self-help, & still may also be good for more experienced practitioners and readers
♥ ♥ = INTERMEDIATE: Mid-level discourse on topic, little bit heavier reading, will be suitable for some beginners
♥ ♥ ♥ = ADVANCED: Not for beginners, in-depth study, heavy reading, most likely academic or technical language and references used
(!!! highly recommended)

Anger Management

♥ Carter, Les; Mirnirth, D. (2004). The Anger Trap: Free Yourself From the Frustrations That Sabotage Your Life.

♥ Gentry, W.D. (2008). Anger Management For Dummies

♥ Kipnis, A. (1999). Anger Management For Dummies

♥ Lerner, H. (1989). The Dance of Anger

♥ McKay, M; Rogers, P. (2000). The Anger Control Workbook

♥ Murphy, T. (2010). The Angry Child: Regaining Control When Your Child Is Out of Control

♥ (!!! highly recommended) Schiraldi, G. (2002). The Anger Management Sourcebook

Positive Psychology & Strengths Building

♥ (!!! highly recommended) Ben-Shahar, T(2007). Happier: Learn The Secrets To Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment

♥ ♥ ♥ Biswas-Diener, R. (2010). Practicing Positive Psychology Coaching: Assessment, Activities and Strategies for Success

♥ ♥ ♥ (!!! highly recommended) Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2008). Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

♥ ♥ Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ

♥ (!!! highly recommended) Linley, A. & Willars, J. & Biswas-Diener, R. (2010). The Strengths Book: Be Confident, Be Successful, and Enjoy Better Relationships

♥ ♥ ♥ Lopez, S.J. & Snyder, C.R. (2011). The Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology

♥ ♥ ♥ Maslow, A. (1987). Motivation and Personality

♥ ♥ ♥ Moore, M. & Tschannen-Moran, B. (2009). Coaching Psychology Manual

♥ ♥ Myers, D.G.(2002). The Pursuit of Happiness: Discovering The Pathway to Fulfillment, Well-Being and Enduring Personal Joy

♥ ♥ (!!! highly recommended) Seligman, M.E.P. (2002). Authentic Happiness: Using The New Positive Psychology To Realize Your Potential For Lasting Fulfillment

♥ ♥ Seligman, M.E.P. (2011). Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being

♥ Sher, B(1997). Live the Life You Love: In Ten Easy Step By Step Lessons

Positive Relationships

♥ (!!! highly recommended) Gottman, J. & Gottman, J.S.(2007). Ten Lessons To Transform Your Marriage: America's Love Lab Experts Share Their Strategies For Strengthening Your Relationship

♥ (!!! highly recommended) Robinson, J.(2009). Communication Miracles For Couples: Easy and Effective Tools to Create More Love and Less Conflict

Mindfulness & Meditation

♥ (!!! highly recommended) Brach, T, B. (2004). How To Meditate: A Guide To Formal Sitting Practice A free online book, can be accessed here ---> How To Meditate

♥ Brach, T, B. (2004). Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life With The Heart of A Buddha

♥ (!!! highly recommended) Goldstein, E.& Stahl, B(2010). A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook

♥♥ Hayes, S. (2005). Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life: The New Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

♥ Kabat-Zinn, J.(1990). Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind To Face Stress, Pain, and Illness

♥ Kaplan, J. (2010). Urban Mindfulness: Cultivating Peace, Presence, and Purpose in the Middle of It All.

♥ ♥ (!!! highly recommended) Kornfield, J. (2008). The Wise Heart: A Guide To The Universal Teachings of Buddhist Psychology

♥ (!!! highly recommended) LeClaire, A. (2004). Listening Below The Noise: A Meditation on the Practice of Silence

♥ ♥ Linehan, M. (1993). Skills Training Manual For Treating Borderline Personality Disorder

♥ ♥ Neff, K. (2011). Self-Compassion: Stop Beating Yourself Up and Leave Insecurities Behind

♥ Salzberg, S. (2002). Loving Kindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness

♥ ♥ ♥ Siegel, D (2010). Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation

♥ (!!! highly recommended) Sherman, K. (2010). Mindfulness and The Art of Choice: Transform Your Life.

♥ Tolle, E.(2004). The Power of Now: A Guide To Spiritual Enlightenment

♥ ♥ (!!! highly recommended) Wallace, B.A. (2006). The Attention Revolution: Unlocking The Power of The Focused Mind.

Recovery and Addictions

♥ Beattie, M.(1996). Journey to the Heart: Daily Meditations on the Path to Freeing Your Soul

♥ Beattie, M.(2009). The New Codependency: Help and Guidance for Today's Generation

♥ (!!! highly recommended) Bien, Thomas & Bien, Beverly (2002).Mindful Recovery: A Spiritual Path To healing From Addiction

♥ ♥ Breggin, P. (1994).Toxic Psychiatry: Why Therapy, Empathy and Love Must Replace the Drugs, Electroshock, and Biochemical Theories of the "New Psychiatry"

♥ Chamberlin, J. (1988).On Our Own

♥ Copeland, M.E. (2002). Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)

♥ Dorman, D.(2009). Dante's Cure: A Journey Out of Madness

♥ Glasser, W. (1985).Positive Addiction

♥ Levine, B. (2007). Surviving America's Depression Epidemic: How to Find Morale, Energy, and Community in a World Gone Crazy

♥ (!!! highly recommended) Ridgway, P. & McDiarmid, D. & Davidson, L. & Bayes, J. & Ratzlaff, S. (2002). Pathways to Recovery: A Strengths Recovery Self-Help Workbook

Stress-Management & Healing Trauma

♥♥ Levine, P.(1997). Walking The Tiger: Healing Trauma: The Innate Capacity To Heal Overwhelming Experience

♥♥ van der Kolk, B. & Emerson, D. & Hopper, E. & Levine, P. (2011). Overcoming Trauma Through Yoga: Reclaiming Your Body

♥♥♥ (!!! highly recommended) Seaward, B.L.(2011). Managing Stress: Principles and Strategies For Health and Well-Being

♥♥ Seaward, B.L.(2008). The Art of Peace and Relaxation Workbook

Life-purpose, Career Exploration, and Visioning

♥ Boldt, L.G. (2009). Zen and the Art of Making a Living: A Practical Guide to Creative Career Design.

♥ (!!! highly recommended) Bolles, N. (2011). What Color Is Your Parachute? 2012: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers

♥ (!!! highly recommended) Capaccionne, L. (2000). Visioning: Ten Steps to Designing the Life of Your Dreams.

Relaxation, Imagery, and Vizualization

♥♥ (!!! highly recommended) Benson, H. & Klipper, M.Z.(2000). The Relaxation Response

♥ Davenport, L.(2009). Healing and Transformation Through Self-guided Imagery

♥ Epstein, G.(1989). Healing Visualizations: Creating Health Through Imagery

♥ (!!! highly recommended) Naperstek, B.(1995). Staying Well With Guided Imagery

♥♥ Rossman, M.(2000). Guided Imagery for Self-Healing

♥ Simonton, C.(1992). Getting Well Again: The Bestselling Classic About the Simontons' Revolutionary Lifesaving Self- Awareness Techniques

General Psychology, Healing, Spirituality, Well-being

♥ ♥ Gaynor, M. (2000). The Healing Power of Sound: Recovery From Life-Threatening Illness Using Sound, Voice, and Music.

♥ Gendlin, E.T. (1981). Focusing

♥ (!!! highly recommended) McKay, M. (2000). Self-Esteem: A Proven Program of Cognitive Techniques for Assessing, Improving, and Maintaining Your Self-Esteem

♥ (!!! highly recommended) Robinson, B. (2008). The Art of Confident Living: 10 Practices For Taking Charge of Your Life

♥ (!!! highly recommended) Robinson, J. (2000). The Complete Idiot's Guide to Awakening Your Spirituality

♥ (!!! highly recommended) Weintraub, A. (2003). Yoga For Depression: A Compassionate Guide To Relieve Suffering Through Yoga

Creative, Expressive Writing, and Journaling

♥ (!!! highly recommended) Adams, Kathleen(1990). Journal To The Self: Twenty-Two Paths To Personal Growth

♥Adams, Kathleen (1998). The Way of the Journal : A Journal Therapy Workbook for Healing. Sidron Press.

♥ Baldwin, Christina (1992). One to One : Self-Understanding Through Journal Writing. Evans Publisher

♥ (!!! highly recommended) Cameron, J. (2002). The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path To Higher Creativity

♥ DeSalvo, Louise A. (2000). Writing As a Way of Healing : How Telling Our Stories Transforms Our Lives. Beacon Press.

♥ Fox, John (1997). Poetic Medicine : The Healing Art of Poem-Making. Tarcher Press

♥ Goldberg, Natalie and Guest, Judith (1986). Writing Down the Bones : Freeing the Writer Within. Shambhala Press.

♥ Grason, S. (2005). Journalution: Journaling To Awaken Your Inner Voice, Heal Your Life, and Manifest Your Dreams

♥ Jacobs, Beth (2005). Writing for Emotional Balance. New Harbinger Publishers.

♥♥ Pennebaker, James W. (1997). Opening Up: The Healing Power of Expressing Emotion. NY: Guilford Press.

♥♥ Pennebaker, J.W. (2004). Writing to Heal: A Guided Journal for Recovering from Trauma and Emotional Upheaval. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Press.

♥ Rainer, Tristine (1979). The New Diary : How to Use a Journal for Self-Guidance and Expanded Creativity. Tarcher

♥ Wright, L. (2005). Quiet Mind, Open Heart: Finding Inner Peace Through Reflection, Journaling, and Meditation

Miscellaneous Arts & Creativity

♥ Buzan, T. (2000). The Mind Map Book.

♥ (!!! highly recommended) Cameron, J. (2002). The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path To Higher Creativity

♥ de Bono, E. (2000). Six Thinking Hats.

Positive Psychology & Strengths-Based Websites

Authentic Happiness

Canadian Positive Psychology Association

Positive Path Life Coaching

Mentor Coach

VIA Institute on Character

Valorie Burton Lifecoach

Emoclear Selfhelpapedia

Zone Positive    

Institute of Coaching At McLean Hospital     The Institute of Coaching is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the integrity and credibility of the field of coaching. By advancing coaching research, education, and practice, the Institute supports professional coaches and others who use coaching skills in their personal and professional lives. We are building a global coaching research community by bringing together leaders in the field to accelerate research progress and disseminate coaching's best practices.Coaching is a change process that mobilizes strengths and realizes the potential of individuals and organizations. The practice of coaching embodies a unique skill set designed to optimize the performance of a person or organization in diverse arenas including leadership, healthcare, and public service. We are realizing the coaching mission of optimizing human potential via five Centers: Research, Education, Leadership, Healthcare, and Applied Positive Psychology.

The Positive Psychology Center at UPenn     The Positive Psychology Center is located at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Martin Seligman is the director of the center and Zellerbach Family Professor of Psychology. The center promotes research, training, education, and the dissemination of Positive Psychology. Positive Psychology is the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive.

The Emmons Gratitude Lab    Gratitude is the “forgotten factor” in happiness research. The lab is engaged in a long-term research project designed to create and disseminate a large body of novel scientific data on the nature of gratitude, its causes, and its potential consequences for human health and well-being. Scientists are latecomers to the concept of gratitude. Religions and philosophies have long embraced gratitude as an indispensable manifestation of virtue, and an integral component of health, wholeness, and well-being.
The lab is engaged in two main lines of inquiry at the present time: (1) developing methods to cultivate gratitude in daily life and assess gratitude’s effect on well-being, and (2) developing a measure to reliably assess individual differences in dispositional gratefulness.

The Applied Neuroscience Institute    ANI is dedicated to helping lay people, professionals, and organizations find their way into an UpSpiral of positivity and to be able to sustain that UpSpiral. ANI uses an integration of the disciplines of neuroscience, positive psychology and quantum physics to achieve this UpSpiral, which is a vibration from which you attract what you want to achieve and experience in life. You might say that ANI is the science behind the “law of attraction” and we call that a person's VibeCore.

Multiple Intelligences For Adult Literacy and Education (Free Online MI Assessment)     Dr. Howard Gardner, a professor of cognition and education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, developed his theory of multiple intelligences twenty years ago. Simply put, Dr. Gardner posits that people employ several different types of intelligence, rather than one general type. This site, Multiple Intelligences for Adult Literacy and Education, applies Dr. Gardner's theory to adult education. With this site we hope to inspire teachers and tutors to discover innovative ways to help their learners succeed, based on their learners' intelligences.

Mindfulness Skills & Meditation Websites

Contemplative Psychotherapy.net    This website is a growing worldwide directory of contemplative/mindfulness based psychotherapists and counselors. It was created with the intention of helping people find counselors and therapists who combine Buddhist awareness practices and psychotherapy in their private practice. Currently there are contemplative psychotherapists and counselors listed in many US states and in Canada. Please keep checking back periodically as new listings are added to the directory on a regular basis. You can also try contacting one of the listed therapists for possible referrals in your area. The website has a good bibliography.

Lessons For Living - Website of Dan Johnston PhD psychologist    Daniel H. Johnston, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist and author. He currently serves on the faculty of the Mercer University School of Medicine. Over the past twenty-five years Dr. Johnston has taught self-help skills to thousands of people in settings ranging from hospitals and clinics to community groups and churches. He is a frequent guest on local television and had his own weekly show on 13WMAZ in Macon, Georgia. Dr. Johnston has developed the popular Awakenings Web site and offers information on psychological health to tens of thousands of worldwide visitors each year. He is a former columnist for the Macon Telegraph newspaper

The Mindfulness Muse    The website of psychotherapist Laura K. Chang PhD a mindfulness expert who incorporates elements of Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and other mindfulness practices, her website incorporates her writings on her blog and newsletter.

The Society for Clinical Mindfulness & Meditation    The Society for Clinical Mindfulness & Meditation (the Society), is a dynamic, inclusive organization committed to the advancement of theory, philosophy, practice, and research in mindfulness- and meditation-based approaches to mental health. Personal growth, mental health, education, organizational development, political/social change, and the fine and performing arts are all included within the broad scope of mindfulness and meditation.

Psych-Insights    Website of Dr. Sears is a licensed psychologist in the state of Ohio. He is board certified in clinical psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP), and a Fellow of the American Academy of Clinical Psychology (FAACP). He is also President-Elect of the board of the Cincinnati Academy of Professional Psychology. Dr. Sears is a full-time core faculty member of the Psy.D. Program in Clinical Psychology at Union Institute & University, and is the Director of the Center for Clinical Mindfulness and Meditation. He is also adjunct faculty at Wright State University School of Professional Psychology. He runs a small private psychology and consultation practice out of his office.

Institute For Meditation and Psychotherapy    is a Newton, Massachusetts based non-profit organization dedicated to the education and training of mental health professionals interested in the integration of mindfulness meditation and psychotherapy, for the purpose of enhancing the therapy relationship, the quality of clinical interventions, and the well-being of the therapist.Has great research bibliography.

Wildmind.org    Wildmind’s activities include:
•Providing free information about meditation on the internet in a variety of languages
•Publishing guided meditation CDs
•Conducting online classes in meditation and other forms of Buddhist practice
•Providing support to prison inmates by running classes in prisons and donating resources to individual prisoners and to prison libraries

Self-compassion.org Website of Dr. Kristine Neff University of Texas    Neff's website provides information about self-compassion, and is intended for students, researchers, and the general public. Dr. Neff received her Ph.D. in Human Development from the University of California at Berkeley in 1997, and she is now an Associate Professor in Human Development at the University of Texas at Austin. Her primary research interests center on self-concept development, specifically the development of self-compassion.

Center For Mindfulness and Psychotherapy    is located in Santa Monica and partner organization with the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy

Mindful Living Programs    On this site you can learn about and sign up for the online Mindful Path though Shyness Program and Forum where you can practice Insight Dialogue and grow more free from social anxiety with others. You'll also find the online Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program and information about the Mindful Living Program at Enloe Medical Center . There's also information about the fully accredited Mindfulness Retreats for medical and mental health professionals; retreats for people who feel socially anxious, couple's retreats and retreats for anyone that wants to grow in mindfulness and self-compassion. Mindful Living Programs have helped thousands of people heal and grow in mindfulness and extend a warm welcome to seekers on the Internet.

Union Institute Center For Clinical Mindfulness and Meditation    The Center for Clinical Mindfulness & Meditation (CCMM) is affiliated with the Clinical Psychology program at Union Institute & University. Its goal is to connect clinicians, researchers, and practitioners around the world who are interested in the clinical applications of mindfulness and meditation.

Seattle Insight Meditation Society    Seattle Insight Meditation Society is a welcoming community devoted to offering the Buddha's teachings on wisdom and compassion to all those who seek them. SIMS encourages an ongoing investigation of our lives for the liberation of all beings and the stewardship of the planet.

Institute for The Advancement of Human Behavior    IAHB is a non-profit educational organization and a fully accredited sponsor of continuing education and continuing medical education for mental health, chemical dependency, and substance abuse treatment providers in the United States and Canada. IAHB�s mission is to provide high-quality clinical training to healthcare professionals as well as to companies and individuals with healthcare-related interests. IAHB produces workshops and seminars on timely and important clinical topics. The programs are conducted by scientist-practitioners who represent the state-of-the-art in their chosen fields, and who have demonstrated exceptional teaching abilities. Most of these programs are open only to healthcare professionals, and are conducted at the highest professional levels. Continuing education credit is offered on a state-by-state basis (when necessary) to psychologists, counselors, social workers, physicians, EAP specialists, and a variety of other licensed professionals.

Mindfulness Centre - Australia    The Australian based Mindfulness Centre was launched in 2006 as a specialist training hub for Health and Mental Health Professionals to learn Mindfulness and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). Today their services have extended to incorporate mindfulness based keynotes, counselling, products and both General Public Courses, and In-house mindfulness and MBCT training - as well as modules in Leadership, Relationships, Parenting, Education and Buddhism.

Mindfulness Practice Center at the University of Missouri    A center organized through a campus wide effort at the University of Missouri which offers a non-sectarian approach to mindfulness that draws on comtemplative practices from a variety of traditions.

Mindsight Institute    The Mindsight Institute harnesses the power of science and the wisdom of reflection to create an approach to health that focuses on a Triangle of Well-Being: Mind, Relationships, and Brain. Mindsight is the ability of the human mind to see itself: to know oneĂ‚Â’s own mind and to be able to perceive the minds of others. "Mindsight", a term coined by Dan Siegel (The Developing Mind, 1999), is the capacity for insight and empathy. Mindsight can be developed within our interpersonal relationships and our internal reflective practices.

Cambridge Insight Meditation Center    The Cambridge Insight Meditation Center is a non-residential urban center for the practice of Vipassana or insight meditation, located in the heart of Cambridge, MA USA. This site has a lot of great resources including meditation lessons, suggestions for practice, audio downloads, articles, and more.

Mindful Living TV Network    Online network of Dr. Kathleen Hall who has made it her life‘s work to share Mindful Living with the world. The organizing principal behind Mindful Living Network, Dr. Kathleen Hall, internationally recognized motivational speaker and work/life balance and stress expert, is also founder and C.E.O. of The Stress Institute.

Mindfulness Calgary    Calgary Center for MBSR and page of Dr. Linda Carlson who does work with PNI, and alternative and complementary treatments and research for cancer.

The Mindfulness Project    The Mindfulness Project offers training in Mindfulness and Stress Reduction in the South Shore area of Boston and Cape Cod. Project developed by Harvard researcher Metta McGarvey. Site provides links to her research.

Learn Mindfulness    Website of Shamash Alidina MA(Ed.)Author, Mindfulness Trainer, Coach, Educator and Lecturer

Awareness and Relaxation Training (A.R.T.)    ART is an independent, educationally-oriented organization that contracts Mindfulness–Based Stress Reduction programs in medical settings, schools, corporations, and other sectors that was founded by Bob Stahl, Ph.D. in 1991. Site includes great mindfulness oriented poetry for transformation.

Extensive Bibliography On Mindfulness Research at Scribd.com    Extensive bibliography on mindfulness at Scribd.com.

Insight Meditation South Bay    Insight Meditation South Bay (IMSB) is a religious non-profit corporation, dedicated to the liberating teachings of the Buddha. Shaila Catherine founded IMSB in January 2006 to support Buddhist Meditation practice in the Silicon Valley and South Bay area of California. IMSB offers mindfulness-based meditation practices, instruction in loving kindness, and concentration and jhana meditations.

Tergar Meditation Community    The mission of the Tergar Meditation Community is to make the ancient practice of meditation accessible to the modern world. For centuries, the practice of meditation has been used by countless individuals to transform suffering into joy and confusion into wisdom. Tergar meditation and study programs are designed to facilitate this transformation. Under the guidance of Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, a remarkable teacher celebrated for his ability to make the practice of meditation accessible to people of all backgrounds, the Tergar community of meditation centers and practice groups provides a comprehensive course of meditation training and study, with programs for Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike.

Reading list on Buddhist meditation    A great list of recommended readings on Buddhist meditation from the Cambridge Insight Society for beginner and advanced students.

Center for Contemplative Mind in Society    The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society works to integrate contemplative awareness into contemporary life in order to help create a more just, compassionate, reflective, and sustainable society. Contemplative practices, including prayer, meditation, yoga, and many contemplative arts, help individuals regain balance and calm in the midst of challenging circumstances. This state of calm centeredness provides effective stress reduction and can also help address issues of meaning, values, and spirit. Contemplative practices can help people develop greater empathy and communication skills, improve focus and concentration, reduce stress and enhance creativity. In time, with sustained commitment, they cultivate insight, wise discernment, and a loving and compassionate approach to life.

Insight Meditation Society    IMS is a spiritual refuge center located in Barre, Massachusetts. IMS offer meditation retreats rooted in the Theravada Buddhist teachings of ethics, concentration and wisdom. These practices help develop awareness and compassion and give rise to greater peace and happiness.

Ottawa Mindfulness Clinic    Mindfulness based programs designed for coping with depression, anxiety, work-related stress, planning a return-to-work following an extended leave of absence, caregivers to family members, help for health care providers, coping with chronic physical pain, trying to develop further skills in lifestyle management and in relationships

E-Mindful    eMindful.com brings live online classes in stress reduction, complementary healing, and personal growth, via video conferencing, into people's homes and offices. An Internet connection and computer are all that is needed. Several of the interactive classes offer CMEs for physicians, and CEUs for nurses, and are taught, live, by teachers who are experts in their field. Courses include Mindful Eating, Forgive for Good, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavioral Approaches (MBCT). Includes a mindfulness research bibliography.

UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center     MARC is part of the Semel Insitute at UCLA, which is dedicated to research and education of neuroscience and human behavior. MARC's mission is to foster mindful awareness across the lifespan through education and research to promote well-being and a more compassionate society.

The Penn Center For Mindfulness     The Penn Program for Mindfulness (PPM) helps you to manage stress. PPM is built upon a meditation-based process known as mindfulness. Meditation is one of the world's most ancient and widely practiced mind-body therapies. Western medicine is increasingly realizing the role of stress in health and disease. An expanding body of research and clinical evidence supports this. One recent study suggests that meditation may cause short-term and long-term neural changes.

UCSD Center for Mindfulness     The UCSD Center for Mindfulness is a program within the UCSD Department of Psychiatry, and under the auspices of the Moores UCSD Cancer Center. The UCSD Center for Mindfulness is a multi-faceted program of clinical care, professional training, education, research and outreach intended to further the practice and integration of mindfulness into the lives of individuals throughout the healthcare and educational system, including patients, healthcare providers, students, teachers and businesspeople.

University of Virginia Mindfulness Center     The UVA's Mindfulness Center's mission is to support the integration of mindfulness-based practices into the clinical, educational and research programs of the UVA Health System and the central Virginia community

Mindfulness Research Guide     The Mindfulness Research Guide is a resource that provides information for researchers and practitioners regarding: 1) the scientific study of mindfulness, including: empirical publications measurement tools mindfulness treatment and research centers Has extensive links on mindfulness research.

ACT Mindfully Training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Dr. Russ Harris     Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a unique and creative model for both therapy and coaching, based on the innovative use of mindfulness and values.The aim of ACT is to maximise human potential for a rich, full and meaningful life. ACT helps you to cultivate health vitality and well-being through mindfulness and values-guided action. Although ACT was created over 10 years before 'positive psychology' existed, it is increasingly seen as a part of that movement.Includes a good resource section and adapted mindfulness research bibliography.

Real World Mindfulness Training (RWMT)with Maya Frost     The basic ideas of RWMT: 1) Mindfulness does not require meditation. 2) Paying attention is a powerful way to enhance creativity. 3) Fun is a huge motivator, and the more we enjoy playing with mindfulness, the more likely we are to develop it. 4) ItĂ‚Â’s not difficult to be mindful--itĂ‚Â’s just difficult to remember to be mindful!

The Center for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts Medical School    The UMass Center for Mindfulness is an innovative leader in mind-body medicine and mindfulness-based treatment and research investigations, pioneering the integration of meditation and mindfulness into mainstream medicine and health care. Our Stress Reduction Program continues to expand its influence worldwide with hundreds of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) clinics and free-standing programs attracting tens of thousands of people on five continents. It was founded by Jon Kabat-Zinn, and is directed by Dr. Saki F. Santorelli. Site includes mindfulness research bibliography.

Mindfulness.org Jon Kabat-Zinn's website for ordering cd's and dvd's    This website is the dedicated web vehicle for the secure (highest level encryption) ordering of the stress reduction CDs and tapes of Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn. Dr. Kabat-Zinn is internationally known as a meditation teacher, author, researcher, and clinician in the fields of mind/body medicine, integrative medicine, lifestyle change, and self-healing. He is an expert in stress reduction, relaxation, and the applications of mindfulness meditation in everyday living to optimize one's capacity to face stress, pain, and illness across the lifespan. This work is now referred to by health professionals as mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), and is offered in medical centers, hospitals, and clinics around the world.

Mindfulness In Plain English     This is a meditation manual, a nuts-and-bolts, step-by-step guide to Insight meditation written by the Venerable Henepola Gunaratana. It is meant to be practical. It is meant for use. The beautiful thing it is free and online for open use. MPE is a great starter to begin to open to and to understand the practice of mindfulness. There are already many comprehensive books on Buddhism as a philosophy, and on the theoretical aspects of Buddhist meditation. If you are interested in that material we urge you to read those books. Many of them are excellent. This book is a 'How to.' It is written for those who actually want to meditate and especially for those who want to start now.

Shambhala Sun Magazine     The Shambhala Sun is today’s best-selling and most widely-read Buddhist magazine, an award-winning bimonthly respected for the quality of its writing and the beauty of its design. The Shambhala Sun offers authentic teachings from the Buddhist and other contemplative traditions, and applies the wisdom born of meditative practice to all the important issues in life - from livelihood, parenting, and relationships to politics, social action, and the arts.

Mind and Life Institute     The Mind & LIfe Institute is dedicated to fostering dialogue and research at the highest possible level between modern science and the great living contemplative traditions, especially Buddhism. It builds on a deep commitment to the power and value of both of these ways of advancing knowledge and their potential to alleviate suffering.

The Association for Contextual Behavioral Sciences    The Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS) is dedicated to the advancement of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well being. It emerged from the growing interest in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy developed by Steven C. Hayes and Relational Frame Theory, a behavioral psychology theory, also developed by Hayes.

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy    MBCT is based on the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) eight-week program, developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn. Research shows that MBSR is enormously empowering for patients with chronic pain, hypertension, heart disease, cancer, and gastrointestinal disorders, as well as for psychological problems such as anxiety and panic. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy grew from this work. Zindel Segal, Mark Williams and John Teasdale adapted the MBSR program so it could be used specifically for people who had suffered repeated bouts of depression in their lives.

Ellen Langer    Website of Dr. Ellen Langer, professor in the Psychology Department at Harvard University. Langer is an researcher and author on mindfulness. Her books written for general and academic readers include Mindfulness, The Power of Mindful Learning, On Becoming An Artist, and Counterclockwise.

Urban Mindfulness    Website of Jonathan Kaplan PhD -- Urban Mindfulness as a resource for all who struggle to maintain inner peace and sanity while living in a stressful environment. Professionally, Kaplan works as a clinical psychologist and maintains a private practice in which he helps patients, lead workshops, and provides clinical supervision. His office is located in Union Square in New York City. Previously, he served as Director of the Stress Management Program at the American Institute for Cognitive Therapy. His personal interest in mindfulness and meditation has grown since he studied Asian cultures at Tufts in the late 1980’s. Dr. Ellen Langer, professor in the Psychology Department at Harvard University. Langer is an researcher and author on mindfulness. Her books written for general and academic readers include Mindfulness, The Power of Mindful Learning, On Becoming An Artist, and Counterclockwise.

Personal Transformation.com website of Marie NurrieStearns    Website is a great resource for articles, books, and other mindfulness and transformation related materials.

Mary Rees    Website of Mary Rees, MS. Mary is a Meditation Teacher and Dharma Leader in the lineage of the Thai Forest and Burmese monks. She is also a Spiritual Director trained (1988-1990) in a program offered through the University of St. Thomas and the Cenacle Retreat House, both in Houston, Texas. She is a graduate of the Community Dharma Leader Training program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, California and has training to teach specific programs: MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) and Robert Fritz's Creating Your Life

Sharing Mindfulness    This website is aimed at professionals working in the field of education and focuses on the subject of putting mindfulness in to practice in their work environment. For the time being the focus lies on two activities which are both based on sharing the knowledge that exists in this area: 1. enabling professionales to get in thouch with each other; 2. sharing experiences (and experiments) of applications of mindfulness in teaching; 3. sharing valuable sources of knowledge.

Website of Jack Kornfield    Website of Jack Kornfield renowned meditation teacher and one of the key people to introduce Buddhist mindfulness practice to the West. Jack trained with various masters in meditation in Asia after graduating from Dartmouth College in Asian Studies in 1967. He is a co-founder the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts along with Joseph Goldstein, and Sharon Salzberg

Website of Jim Hopper Ph.D.    Jim Hopper is a researcher and therapist with a doctorate (Ph.D.) in clinical psychology, and an Instructor in Psychology at Harvard Medical School. Hopper has studied the effects of child abuse and other traumas, and has expertise in several related areas. These include issues unique to men, perpetration of violence, the nature of traumatic memories, the brain bases of emotion regulation problems, and how mindfulness and meditation can benefit both therapists and their clients. Hopper gives consultation, workshops and talks on these and other topics. He also provides forensic services on cases involving child abuse trauma, PTSD, mitigation, and other issues.

Tara Brach    Website of Tara Brach meditation teacher and psychologist, and founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington. She is the author of the book, Radical Acceptance. Her website has an excellent and extensive collection of free audio downloads of her talks on meditation and psychology

Dr. Judith Orloff    Transforming the face of psychiatry, Judith Orloff, MD is an assistant clinical professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and author of the New York Times and international bestseller Emotional Freedom upon which a public television special is based. She synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality to achieve physical and emotional healing. She passionately asserts that we have the power to transform negative emotions and achieve inner peace. She offers practical strategies to overcome frustration, stress, and worry and teaches people how to quiet overactive minds that won’t shut off.

Health Journeys - Website of Belleruth Naperstek    Health Journeys is a private, multimedia publishing company with business offices and distribution center in Northeast Ohio, owned and operated since its inception in 1991 by George R. Klein and Belleruth Naparstek. The company produces and distributes Health Journeys and other guided imagery and meditation tapes, CDs, books and software. In other words, holistic health tools that teach healing and wellness practices. AOL Time Warner is its retail distributor.

2nd Website of Belleruth Naperstek    Psychotherapist, author and guided imagery pioneer Belleruth Naparstek is the creator of the popular, 55-title, Time Warner Health Journeys guided imagery audio series. Her first book, Staying Well with Guided Imagery (Warner) is a widely used primer on imagery and healing. Her second book, Your Sixth Sense (Harper Collins) has been translated into 9 languages, with a new 2009 edition just released. Her latest book on imagery and posttraumatic stress, Invisible Heroes: Survivors of Trauma and How They Heal (Bantam Dell), won the Spirituality & Health Top 50 Books Award and was released in paperback January of 2006. Highlighted in their 20th anniversary edition of their seminal book, Courage to Heal, Ellen Bass and Laura Davis call Invisible Heroes “the most useful book for trauma survivors to be published in the last decade”. .

Dharma Seed    Dharma Seed is dedicated to preserving and sharing the spoken teachings of Theravada Buddhism in modern languages. Explore and take nourishment from these heartfelt teachings. Since the early 1980's, Dharma Seed has collected and distributed dharma talks by teachers transmitting the Vipassana or Insight practices of Theravada Buddhism, the oldest Buddhist tradition still actively pursued in the 21st century. Until now, the recordings have been available only on tapes and CDs. For the first time, this website makes them freely available for download or streaming as digital audio files (MP3s). New recordings are being added continuously from contemporary dharma teachers, both those well-known and those still known only to those who have attended their retreats. .

Mindful Self-compassion The Website of Christopher Germer    Mindful self-compassion is the foundation of emotional healing—being aware in the present moment when we're struggling with feelings of inadequacy, despair, confusion, and other forms of stress (mindfulness) and responding with kindness and understanding (self-compassion). Christopher Germer, PhD is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Arlington, Massachusetts, specializing in mindfulness and acceptance-based psychotherapy. He is a founding member of the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy, a clinical instructor in psychology at Harvard Medical School.

Website of Elisha and Stefanie Goldstein   Website of Elisha Goldstein Ph.D. and Stefanie Goldstein Ph.D. psychologists specializing in mindfulness-based therapies. Great articles, blogs, and online training in mindfulness. Good poetry page.

Website of Lidia Zylowski MD    Dr. Lidia Zylowska is a board-certified psychiatrist specializing in adult psychiatry, mindfulness-based therapy and adult ADHD. Dr. Zylowska completed her medical degree at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan and trained in psychiatry at UCLA. Dr. Zylowska studied complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and completed a fellowship at the UCLA Center for East-West Medicine. She has collaborated with Elisha Goldstein

Website of Dr. Herb Benson - Relaxation Response   Dr. Benson's research in to meditation began with the Transcendental Meditation technique, as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. But he is maintaining a neutral, objective position, not aligning with any particular meditation organization. For more information on TM in particular, see www.TM.org.

Mindfulness Meditation Therapy - Website of Peter Strong Ph.D.    Mindfulness psychotherapy is a form of Experiential Therapy: it works directly with your inner experience in the present moment. Interpretation and analysis can be useful tools, but are seldom enough to resolve the root cause of emotional reactivity and consequently this kind of approach can be lengthy. However, if you allow the healing process to unfold from within, then whatever arises is more likely to be transformative at a deeper level and consequently, fewer sessions are required to produce a measurable improvement. Sessions are usually done with eyes closed to help you focus inwardly and establish a mindfulness-based relationship with the emotion that you have chosen to work on.

Living Mindfully - Website of Micki Fine L.P.C.   Micki Fine is a Certified Mindfulness Teacher and founder of Mindful Living in Houston, Texas. She was awarded this credential from the University of Massachusetts Medical Center where Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn founded the renowned Center for Mindfulness. Her belief in the power of one's inherent strength and capacity for healing strongly influences her work with people experiencing depression, anxiety and chronic pain. She holds a master’s degree in counseling psychology and is licensed as a professional counselor. She has a long-standing meditation practice. Micki has been a consultant and teacher for two National Institute on Drug Abuse grants studying mindfulness and its effects on chemical dependency recovery and smoking cessation. She has also participated in other research studies documented in the Journal of Substance Use and Addictive Disorders and Their Treatment publications. She taught a Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy course for professionals with Zindel Segal at the nationally known Omega Institute. She currently teaches at the Jung Center, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and Rice University.

Website of Dr. Karen Sherman (Art of Choice)     About the Art of Choice -- Most of us live in a basic state of mindlessness. When we live mindlessly it means we simply function. We exist rather than live - like we’re on "autopilot” and therefore not really conscious of what we are doing. We are not taking responsibility for our actions, reactions, or behaviors. Despite this gray state of existence, weĂ‚Â’re surrounded by choices at every moment, each an opportunity for change, each an opportunity to live mindfully.

Hope Allianz    HopeAllianz Inc was organized in 1994 by Jody L Friesen Grande PhD LICSW BCD and provides a full spectrum of counseling, coaching, and consulting services to address the needs of individuals, couples, families, and the community. Professional services include: Counseling Service, LifeSkills Coaching, MiCBT, DBT, ACT, HUGS™, Wellness Workshops, OnLine Resource Center, and LifeSkills™ ... a free monthly online newsletter focusing on motivational thoughts and action plans connecting your mind, body, and spirit for the challenges an opportunities that daily life present

WhyIMeditate.com website of Joshua David O'Brien O.M.    Website designed to introduce you to the practice of meditation in a way that is free of dogma and ritual. Based on hundreds of research studies you can learn simple meditation techniques that will reduce the effects of stress and anxiety on your mind and body. Meditators regularly report decreased physical and psychological symptoms, an increased ability to cope with chronic pain and anxiety, improved self-esteem and a greater enthusiasm for life. Empower yourself with the gentle daily discipline of meditation; cultivate patience, poise, and peace of mind. First time meditation students are welcomed.

Counseling, Psychotherapy, & General Psychology Websites

Psychology Degrees.Org     PsychologyDegrees.org is the most comprehensive psychology degree guide on the web. There are over 3,100 different psychology degrees and 1,700 different universities in our database. All have at least one psychology degree program offering. PsychologyDegrees.org is the top resource for finding an accredited psychology degree.

Energetics Institute - Australia     The Energetics Institute uses the principles and techniques of Integrative Body Mind Psychotherapy™ where the objective is to effectively and holistically treat the entire essence of each person and explore the depth of individuals' issues, by consciously working with and incorporating mind, emotions and the body. They provide a professional, ethical, respectful, caring and confidential psychotherapy and counselling service to individuals, couples and groups. They work with those experiencing personal, relationship, and work related difficulties.

GoodTherapy.org     Ranked as one of the top therapist directories on the web, GoodTherapy.org is an association of mental health professionals from over 30 countries worldwide who support efforts to reduce harm in therapy. GoodTherapy.org was founded by Noah Rubinstein, a licensed marriage and family therapist, in an effort to address and prevent therapists from misusing their power, getting their own needs met at the expense of their clients, violating boundaries, and treating clients in punitive and condescending ways. As an advocate for healthy psychotherapy, GoodTherapy.org educates the public about the differences between healthy and unhealthy psychotherapy practices and promotes collaborative and non-pathologically based approaches within the professional community. Launched in 2007, the GoodTherapy.org Network receives over 1.5 million therapist searches each month and reaches, through a variety of partner and advertising networks an estimated seven million people per month. GoodTherapy.org maintains the highest membership requirements, individually verifying that each applicant meets strict educational, licensure, and philosophical guidelines.

Psychotherapy Networker     A Complete Practice and CE Resource for Today's Therapist Psychotherapy Networker is best known as the field's most honored and compelling publication. Over the past quarter-century, the Networker has earned a worldwide readership for its incisive coverage of the everyday challenges of clinical practice, while also offering perspective on the social issues, critical ideas, and therapeutic innovations shaping the direction of the profession.

Psychotherapy.net     A Resource to inspire therapists. The psychotherapy.net website was created in 2000 with the goals of focusing on the richness of psychotherapy, the desire to connect with and help clients that got them into the field in the first place, psychotherapy practice, the psychotherapist experience, applied theory and technique, wisdom and lives of world renowned master psychotherapists, and with a sense of seriousness, humility, and sense of play and creativity that such work calls for. The website has taken off in the last several years and is now a full content web magazine for psychotherapists.

Mentalhelp.net     The Mental Help. Net website exists to promote online mental health education and provides scientifically accurate and up-to-date coverage of mental health and illness topics. The site's resources take three different forms. They offer detailed and comprehensive coverage of mental health and illness topics (such as Depression, ADHD, and Personality Disorders) in numerous topic centers. They regularly publish original blogs, podcasts, articles and advice columns which are linked from the Mental Help Net homepage. Finally, they offer a Mental Health Support Community. Online since 1995, Mental Help Net has been the recipient of many awards and citations. Their service is freely available and intended for both laypeople and professionals.

Shrinkrap Radio     All the psychology you need to know, and just enough to make you dangerous. Podcast site run by Dr. Dave. “Dr. Dave” is also known as David Van Nuys, Ph.D. He is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Sonoma State University and served as that department’s Chair for seven years. The department has a longstanding reputation for its commitment to humanistic, transpersonal, and existential approaches to psychology. He has also taught psychology at the University of Montana, the University of Michigan, and the University of New Hampshire. He has served as a dissertation advisor for doctoral students at Saybrook Institute and the Institute for Integral Studies, among others. David received his doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Michigan and has worked as a licensed psychotherapist in both California and New Hampshire. He has led personal growth workshops at various growth centers around the U.S. and Ireland and most recently has been co-leading groups with Dr. Ron Alexander in such locales as Kauai, Mallorca, and Switzerland.

Psychology Today     Psychology Today is devoted exclusively to everybody's favorite subject: ourselves. Founded in 1967, Psychology Today covers all aspects of human behavior and mental health, from the workings of the mind to the bonds between people and the larger cultural forces that drive our most intimate decisions. PsychologyToday has invited the leading academics, clinicians and authors in this field to contribute their thoughts and ideas in the form of blogs -- there are currently over 750 of them. The accumulated knowledge bank represents the largest archive of its kind in the world.

PsychCentral    Psych Central is the Internet's largest and oldest independent mental health and psychology network. Since 1995, it has been run by mental health professionals offering reliable, trusted information and over 160 support groups to consumers. PsychCentral is today's modern voice for mental health information and advocacy and have the broadest online reach and recognition of any mental health network online today, touching the lives of over 1.5 million people around the world every month.

Mindful Interpersonal Communication Sites

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Academy     Online training center to learn practical skills for Nonviolent Communication, located in Flagstaff, AZ. Website is chockfull of resources - some free, some are fee per class, and some included for a low monthly membership fee.

New England NVC    Organization that shares compassionate communication (Nonviolent Communication) to communities and organizations throughout New England and surrounding areas

The Center For Nonviolent Communication    Global organization that shares compassionate communication(NVC), and has a vision of a world "where all people are getting their needs met and resolving their conflicts peacefully." The site offers connections to certified NVC trainers around the world, and offers online training, and NVC resources. Can help you find NVC resources in your local area and region.

The Marshall Rosenberg Library at the Natural Child Project   Marshall Rosenberg is the founder of nonviolent communication (NVC) and this link provides a good collection of articles from Rosenberg and others on NVC. The Natural Child Project is a website about natural parenting.

Marshall Rosenberg Clips on Youtube    Substantial collection of Marshall Rosenberg video clips on Youtube.Rosenberg is the founder of nonviolent communication (NVC)

Mindful Eating and Eating Disorder Sites

Website of Geneen Roth  Geneen Roth's pioneering books were among the first to link compulsive eating and perpetual dieting with deeply personal and spiritual issues that go far beyond food, weight and body image. She believes that we eat the way we live, and that our relationship to food, money, love is an exact reflection of our deepest held beliefs about ourselves and the amount of joy, abundance, pain, scarcity, we believe we have (or are allowed) to have in our lives.

The Institute for The Psychology of Eating    The Institute for The Psychology of Eating is unique and revolutionary in its’ educational approach. IPE is the only school of its’ kind that teaches students how to effectively work with the most common eating challenges of our times. Our graduates come away empowered around their own relationship with food and body, skilled in facilitating others, and confident to bring this knowledge out into the world.

The Center For Mindful Eating (TCME)  TCME is a forum for professionals across all disciplines interested in developing, deepening and understanding the value and importance of mindful eating. TCME provides a wide variety of resources and training for those seeking up-to-date information about mindful eating practices, research, and education.

Something Fishy.org   Not For Profit site, one of the largest sites on the topic, has information on bulimia, anorexia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and compulsive overeating. Has excellent forums and treatment finder.

National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA)    Non-profit devoted to serving individuals and families affected by eating disorders. They campaign for prevention and education and improved access to treatment.

International Association For Eating Disorders (IAEDP)    Provides first quality training and high level certification processes to a multi disciplinary group of various treatment providers also with an online therapist finder.

Academy For Eating Disorders (AEDweb)    Professional association committed to leadership in eating disorders research, education, treatment, and prevention.

National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders The ANAD focuses on assisting families and individuals to find resources and provides referrals to professional services. ANAD wages campaigns against harmful advertising which promotes eating disorders, and all ANAD services are free.

Edreferral.com The world's most comprehensive eating disorder referral and information website.

(MEDA) Multi-service Easting Disorders Association Massachusetts based eating disorder non-profit organizationtion for rasing ED awareness and assisting those in recovery.

Addiction & Recovery Centers (that take a holistic approach) In U.S., and New England Region

The Awakening Center A midwest treatment center devoted to eating disorders and food and nutrition-related conditions.

Alta Mira Recovery Center - Sausalito, CA Alta Mira uses nutritional, psychological and holistic treatments for all types of addictions, including food addictions. The website provides some great resources for holistic recovery information.

Mirasol - Tucson, AZ Treatment center specializing in eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia, and compulsive eating. They combine individual and group psychotherapy with proven alternative treatments. The primary therapies used are CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy, EMDR, nutritional intervention, neurofeedback, biofeedback, bodywork, psychodrama, art therapy, adventure therapy, and acupuncture. Spirituality is an underlying theme with an emphasis on mind, body, spirit, and soul.

Expressive Writing and Journaling Websites

Center For Journal Therapy    The mission of the Center For Journal Therapy is to make the healing art of journal writing accessible to all who desire self-directed change. The Center for Journal Therapy lives this mission through its many outreach efforts. Books, speaking engagements, workshops, consultations, audiotapes and papers bring Kathleen Adams’ wisdom to people and helping professionals everywhere. Popular media spreads the Center’s core messages through coverage in newspapers and magazines.

Website of Dr. James Pennebaker   James W. Pennebaker is an American social psychologist. Pennebaker's research examines the relationship between natural language use, health, and social behavior. He is professor and chair of the Department of Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin and is the author or editor of 9 books and over 200 articles. Pennebaker is widely considered a leader and pioneer in the field of therapeutic writing.

National Assn of Memoir Writers   The National Association of Memoir Writers (NAMW) is a membership organization that invites memoir writers from all over the world to connect, learn, and become inspired about writing their stories. The goal of our organization is to help memoir writers feel empowered with purpose and energy to begin and develop their life stories into a publishable memoir, whether in essay form, a book, a family legacy, or to create a blog. Many memoir writers want to use writing as means for healing and transformation, so NAMW assists in this goal by offering workshops, teleseminars, and interviews with writers and experts in the area of memoir, writing skills, therapeutic writing, spiritual autobiography, and healing through writing personal, authentic stories.

International Association For Journal Writing   The Journal Council at IAJW--a group of 30 of the best known journal experts--offer real solutions and practical guidance. The IAJW know's how to help you get more out of your journaling: to write often, in your own voice, and move into new and deeper territory. To help you find the gold in your journals. To help you know yourself better. To help you make connections, gain insights, see life patterns, and ultimately make the life changes you want--whether it is to improve relationships, to figure out how to move forward through a transition period, to balance your emotions, to improve your health, or to become a better writer.

Holistic Approaches & General Wellness/Information Sites

Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Quarterly journal for healthcare professionals publishing the best of nutritional research and clinical trials.

Dr. Ray Sahelian Dr. Sahelian's site is one of the most visited for nutritional information in the world. This site has an extensive reference index of more than 2000 pages about various conditions, supplements, herbs, and remedies.

Free E-book: Nutritional and Mind-body Interventions in Cancer and Chronic Illness Researched and written by site editor Paul B. Schlosberg M.A., concerns holistic approaches to cancer

Senior Links and Resources

U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services Administration for Community Living Senior organization created to maximize the independence, well-being, and health of older adults, people with disabilities across the lifespan, and their families and caregivers. So, that all people, regardless of age and disability, live with dignity, make their own choices, and participate fully in society.

Adult Day Services Adult day services emerged several decades ago. It's an alternative to institutional care when families need help caring for a loved one, but either cannot afford assisted living or chooses to care for one at home. Adult day care (ADC) offers mental, social, and physical stimulation and activities for adults who have lost some independence because of physical or cognitive impairments or chronic health conditions. ADCs are different from senior community centers that attract the more self-reliant, independent and mobile older adults. At daycare, one can expect to receive meals, activities, and care for households where the family caregiver cannot provide care at home during the daytime.

U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services Administration for Community Living Senior organization created to maximize the independence, well-being, and health of older adults, people with disabilities across the lifespan, and their families and caregivers. So, that all people, regardless of age and disability, live with dignity, make their own choices, and participate fully in society.

The Alabama Nursing Home Association (ANHA) was established in 1951 as a statewide network of professionals dedicated to providing excellence and quality care for individuals living on Alabama’s skilled nursing facilities.

Skilled Nursing Facilities A Skilled Nursing Facility is a lot like a nursing home and many times the terms used are one in the same, but a true skilled nursing facility may offer more "skilled" medical expertise and services. Yet, a Skilled Nursing Facility provides skilled nursing care and/or rehabilitation services to help injured, sick, or disabled individuals to get back on their feet.

Home Health Agencies.com Home care is a popular option for long-term care. Most seniors want to age in place at home, which contributes to familiarity and comfort, yet in order to keep a loved one safe at home, it requires planning and evaluation. This guide gives you a detailed understanding of in-home care options, what needs to happen to create e a dramatic, positive impact on you and your entire family.

Assisted Living Facilities.org An assisted living facility is a senior living option for those with minimal needs for assistance with daily living and care. It's purpose is to help adults live independently in a safe environment.

Disclaimer:This information is not a tool for self-diagnosis or a substitute for professional care.

                                   Site design by Paul B. Schlosberg